
The Future of Teleworking in AEC

28 April 2020
Pictured: Erik Verboon, AIA, Principal and Managing Director of Enclosure Engineering for Walter P Moore's New York office

Click here for the full article featured in Civil Engineering Source. 


In a recent study, Industry Insights reported that nearly 73% of respondents said half or more of their fellow employees were working from home. As precautions continue, leaders have begun to consider what happens once orders are lifted and employees have a choice of whether or not to return to the office. What does a hybrid approach look like and what can this type of flexibility provide for work-life balance moving forward? 

Civil Engineering explores the topic in their continued Special Coverage: COVID-19

“It seems clear that at least some degree of teleworking in the civil engineering field is here to stay—and that some degree of in-person work will be needed too. Lee W. Slade, P.E., M.ASCE, chair of Walter P Moore, headquartered in Houston, concludes: ‘Teleworking is already here—it is just a matter of how strongly and fully it will take hold in our industry.’ Factors unrelated to technology—such as client expectations—will be critical, Slade adds.

And the balancing act may even offer new business opportunities. Walter P Moore’s in-house information technology consulting practice has been helping both the firm’s employees and its clients improve their technology platforms to support teleworking. So regardless of when or how many employees return to their offices, ‘I do think that our industry will never be the same,’ Slade says.

Walter P Moore recently survey their employees and found that while working from home presents certain challenges, many in the industry will be seeking a balance upon being able to return to the office. 

(Pictured: Erik Verboon, AIA, Principal and Managing Director of Enclosure Engineering for Walter P Moore’s New York office)

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