
Jolly Good! Another Fellow joins the SEI ranks

08 March 2016
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Walter P Moore congratulates President and CEO Dilip Choudhuri for being selected as a Fellow by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Structural Engineering Institute (SEI). Along with 18 of his peers, Dilip was inducted to SEI Fellowship on February 17, 2016 at the closing luncheon of the ASCE Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Congress in Phoenix, Arizona. Dilip joins three of his Walter P Moore colleagues previously designated SEI Fellows — Larry Griffis, Senior Principal in the firm’s Austin office, Joe Ales, Principal and Managing Director of the firm’s Orlando office, and Gabriel Jimenez, Senior Principal and Executive Director of the firm’s Diagnostics practice.

For elevation to Fellow, applicants must have either:

“had responsible charge for a minimum of ten years of important work in structural engineering and be qualified to direct, conceive, plan, or design engineering works;” or

“had responsible charge for a minimum of ten years of important industrial, business, construction, educational, editorial, research, or engineering society activity, requiring the knowledge and background gained from engineering training and experience.”

Additionally, advancement to the SEI Fellow grade requires unanimous assent of the SEI Fellow Review Committee. Other 2016 SEI Fellow inductees included Abdeldjelil Belarbi, Reginald DesRoches, Wassim Ghannoum, Nathan Gould, Perry Green, Emily Guglielmo, Riyadh Hindi, Robin A. Kemper, Mahmoud Khoncarly, Mustafa Mahamid, Jack Moehle, Cristopher Moen, Michael Mota, James Ray, David Sanders, Lip Teh, Marlon Vogt, and Andrew Whittaker.

Established in 1996, SEI advances members’ careers, stimulates technological advancement, and improves professional practice. SEI drives the practical application of cutting-edge research by improving coordination and understanding between academia and practicing engineers.

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