
Lamar Central wins 'Best New Office Development'

20 May 2016


Some of the most innovative structures — and the people behind them — that form the skeleton of Austin and central Texas were honored May 10th during Austin Business Journal’s 2016 Commercial Real Estate Awards. One of Walter P Moore’s and Martinez Moore Engineers’ own projects was among the honorees. Lamar Central won the 2016 New Office Development category.

Prominently located in central Austin at the busy corner of 38th Street and North Lamar Boulevard, this four-story Class-A office building exemplifies successful mixed-use redevelopment within the city’s urban core. The site’s previous single-story retail with parking lots fronting the street has been replaced by a pedestrian-scaled streetscape with engaging ground floor retail and curved glass that brings interest to the Lamar Street façade.

Lamar Central is a mixed-use structure that is both award-winning and LEED certified. Boasting over 165,000 square feet of retail and office lease space and an adjacent 640-car parking garage, Lamar Central was built with energy efficiency in mind. The garage includes car charging stations, bicycle storage space, and a concrete cistern to collect rain water. Other amenities include floor-to-ceiling windows, patio dining, full-service locker rooms, and a beautifully landscaped courtyard.

The project was a collaborative effort between the Walter P Moore structures and parking groups and Martinez Moore Engineers.

Additional Project Team
Owner — Highland Resources, Inc.
Architect — STG Design
Landscape Architect — DWG
Contractor — Rogers-O’Brien

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