Happy Engineers Week!
Our 8th #FunFact about being 85: LOTS of talent, experience, knowledge, and yes, credentials!
We are proud to have 209 licensed P.E.s (professional engineers) at the firm. Many are licensed in multiple states, and depending on the state, their licenses may read S.E. (structural engineer) or C.E. (civil engineer). We also have a P.Eng. (Canada’s abbreviation for identifying professional engineers) in the bunch — Mark Williams, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., P.Eng., who is licensed in 12 U.S. states plus Canada (obviously).
One would think that 13 engineering licenses is quite a feat — and it most certainly is — but we are somewhat in awe of Dennis Wittry, who has earned either a P.E., S.E., or C.E. (depending on state protocol) in 26 states!
Cheers to ALL of our amazingly talented engineers!
National Engineers Week (also referred to as EWeek) was started in 1951 by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) in conjunction with President George Washington’s birthday. President Washington is considered the nation’s first engineer, notably for his survey work. From NSPE’s website:
“Today, EWeek is a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies. Dedicated to raising public awareness of engineers’ positive contributions to quality of life, EWeek promotes recognition among parents, teachers, and students of the importance of a technical education and a high level of math, science, and technology literacy, and motivates youth, to pursue engineering careers in order to provide a diverse and vigorous engineering workforce. Each year, EWeek reaches thousands of schools, businesses, and community groups across the U.S.”