
Walter P Moore Named a ‘Top Performer in Alphabet Soup Challenge’

03 November 2015
Walterpmoore bagby 2 26


In October, Greenroads® issued a challenge: Do top sustainable professionals really know their stuff? Four Walter P Moore Sustainability champions accepted that challenge, mastering the “very tough” (Greenroads’ own words) Sustainable Transportation Professional (STP) exam and earning the firm one of three ‘Top Performer’ designations by achieving the highest score per candidate.

Congratulations to our recently credentialed, high-scoring STPs!

Lee Anne Dixon, P.E., PTOE, Greenroads STP  //  Infrastructure Group, Houston

Dirk Kestner, P.E., LEED AP BD+C, Greenroads STP  //  Director of Sustainable Design, Austin

Rachel Ray, P.E., Greenroads STP  //  Infrastructure Group, Houston

Jonathon Smith, ENV SP, Greenroads STP  //  Infrastructure Group, Kansas City

Similar to the LEED® (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification program for green buildings, the Greenroads® Rating System is a certification process that measures the sustainability of transportation projects, including roadways, airports, and even transit centers. It prescribes research-based sustainability best practices and “challenges project teams to go above and beyond minimum environmental, social, and economic practices with an independent, third-party review.”

About the STP Credentials

According to Greenroads, STP accredited professionals are “a distinct class of individuals with a comprehensive understanding of sustainable transportation.” STP exams cover competency in five core areas, which are roughly based on the categories in the Greenroads Rating System:

  • Environment & Water (EW)
  • Access & Livability (AL)
  • Materials & Design (MD)
  • Construction Activities (CA)
  • Utilities & Controls (UC)

The STP Credentialing Program involves different tiers of knowledge, increasing in application‐based knowledge and specialization areas with each higher level of exam. There are currently four levels of credentialing: Brown Badge (Basic Sustainability Knowledge), Orange Badge (Rating System Knowledge), Blue Badge (Greenroads Project Management Knowledge), and White Badge (Greenroads Peer Review Team / Local Experts).

Walter P Moore has been at the forefront of sustainable infrastructure, leading the initiative with Texas’s first (the world’s eighth) certified Greenroads Project — Bagby Street Reconstruction — which earned a Silver rating and was the highest-scoring project to date at the time of its certification in October 2013. With four Greenroads Sustainable Transportation Professionals, we strengthen our commitment to building sustainable infrastructure.

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