Members of the mobility plan team working on mapping the area.

Southeast Houston Mobility Plan

Gathering community data to enhance connectivity and road safety.

Project Facts

Location Houston, Texas
Owner City of Houston


Walter P Moore led the development of the Southeast Houston Mobility Plan – a comprehensive, multimodal mobility study that identified short, medium and long-range projects, policies, and programs to promote better mobility and access.

About the project

A major goal of the Southeast Houston Mobility Plan was to foster an equitable transportation network that enhanced safety for all road users, particularly in underserved communities where street safety and affordable disparities persist.

Walter P Moore transportation planning and travel modeling specialists prioritized potential transportation improvements using Mobility Plus, Mobility Toolbox, and CommunityViz. We held meetings with the general public, civic clubs, management districts, TIFFs, the TIRZ, and grassroots political organizations. We also conducted a door-to-door information-gathering campaign.

This project was unique in that it was critical to collect data from many sources to truly assess the problem. To achieve maximum input, comments were solicited through an online “Wikimap,” a GIS portal where the public could access information from the City of Houston and Walter P Moore’s databases and then input their concerns and suggestions. The team built upon this data and encouraged public feedback throughout the process.

The final report identified the area’s significant goals to build out major corridors to enhance connectivity, facilitate more context-sensitive street design, align sidewalk and bikeway improvements with METRO’s transit plans, and prioritize improvements based on the community’s goals and objectives. 

The plan’s recommendations gave the City of Houston a vision of what the area’s transportation network could look like in the future to meet the specific needs of this community.