Parking restoration corcoran garage photocredit kate carboneau 0

Corcoran Parking Garage Repair

Renovation drives revenue and revitalization

Project Facts

Location Durham, North Carolina
Owner City of Durham
Capacity 503 spaces


The Corcoran garage is a 1960s concrete parking structure that was renovated to better serve the thriving Durham downtown arts district and draw in additional revenue. Following the successful restoration led by Walter P Moore, the Corcoran has been able to charge more than double their previous hourly parking rate.

Parking restoration corcoran garage roof traffic coating after 0

About the Project

An initial condition assessment revealed that the aging facility suffered extensive concrete deterioration throughout, inadequate, and confusing signage, water infiltration damage, and unsafe conditions due to lighting deficiencies. The Walter P Moore team got to work on structural restoration, including widespread concrete and brick masonry façade repairs and a new comprehensive waterproofing system that enhanced long-term durability. Parking operational improvements included uniform signage, accessibility upgrades, LED light fixtures, and systemized painting of the entire structure. 

Owing to the success of the repair, in 2018 the Corcoran Parking Garage was selected to be wrapped in art as one of several projects in the area’s SmART Vision Plan. The resulting beautification of the garage positions it as a “cultural quilt” to reflect the diverse, innovative, and dynamic character of downtown Durham. The renovated six-level facility is now an asset to the community, and a revenue source for the city of Durham.