Transportation Planning

transportation planning image by cris ovalle

Paths Forward

Our traffic experts look at a community’s transportation networks from a macro level. This allows us to identify potential engineering issues in the planning phase before projects break ground. This also allows us to identify opportunities for better sustainability and scalability as communities inevitably grow. Using advanced modeling tools, we help our clients develop plans that serve all users, from motorists and pedestrians to service and emergency vehicles.

Carrying Capacity Analysis

We work with a range of government agencies to analyze the viability of their traffic infrastructure development goals based on existing plans for current and future land use. Our carrying capacity analyses illuminate the amount of development possible in a given area. This helps our clients understand the growth potential and limitations of their communities, so they can calibrate their plans for optimal success.

Campus Master Planning

Our experts know that campuses present traffic challenges unlike any other environment. We collaborate with architects, planners, development teams, and stakeholders to develop site and campus plans that consider the needs of all users now and into the future. Our services account for internal roadway networks, campus transit services, walkability, accessibility, bicycles, special events, parking strategies, parking supply, and more.

Event Planning

We help clients plan for the full range of special events, both expected and not. These include academic functions and sporting events, as well as incidents involving fire, safety, security, law enforcement, and other emergencies. Our engineers develop traffic management plans for new facilities based on expected loading. We also review existing event activities and can provide recommendations in the field to make immediate improvements.

Funding Strategies

Clients regularly call on our traffic and transportation teams to help them seek funding for their infrastructure improvement projects. When developing strategies, our experts consider the full range of potential funding avenues, including grant opportunities. In fact, we often help our clients with the actual grant writing and coordination with public agencies.

Multi-Modal Planning

We help public agencies and developers consider all modes of transportation when addressing current community needs and future infrastructure plans. Our analyses combine the deep expertise of our team with advanced data science to take a holistic view of a municipality’s goals, challenges, gaps, and opportunities. This allows our clients to address and improve the mobility of their citizens over the long term in the best ways possible.

Regional Transportation Planning

Our team assists planning organizations responsible for regions of all sizes. Our planning services analyze the transportation needs across entire regions over horizons up to 20 years. Utilizing the latest simulation and modeling software tools, we’re able to run an array of scenarios to predict future traffic patterns and the challenges they will present. From there we’re able to make far-reaching recommendations for system improvements.

Site Circulation

Our specialists can analyze the interplay between all users of a given site, including cars, trucks, mass transit, emergency and service vehicles, and pedestrians. Our studies reveal if certain vehicles should have dedicated routes, exclusive lanes, or restricted roadways. We use software tools to simulate turning radii and other vehicle and pedestrian movements to ensure that efficient circulation and critical access are built into infrastructure construction plans.

Special Districts

Walter P Moore serves as the general engineering consultant for several Management Districts and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones. We help these organizations plan for growth in their areas and identify the impacts they will have on transportation systems. We also help districts develop their capital improvement programs, giving them visibility into needed projects and allowing them to plan their infrastructure spending over the coming 3-5 years.

Suitability Analysis

During the project design phase, our team can help clients determine whether certain planned elements within a transportation network are suitable for the area. Our analyses utilize geographic data to score the desirability of different elements within a given zone. This helps us guide clients in siting the best locations for transit service, multi-modal connections, or other new developments.

Thoroughfare Planning

Land use and transportation decisions go hand in hand. From large cities to rural townships, leaders must gain an understanding of how growth and development will affect mobility in their communities. Using advanced tools such as travel-demand modeling, our thoroughfare planning experts provide much of the knowledge clients need to build for the future.

Corridor Studies

Regardless of whether it’s large or small, every traffic project has a ripple effect. Our studies analyze impacts along the entire corridors that branch off from the main project. We take a big-picture look at all details, including intersections, parallel routes, right-of-way conditions, traffic volumes, parking demand, median spacing, and driveways. Our studies allow clients to look at a traffic solution more as a corridor solution, so they can bring maximum benefit to all users.

Scenario Planning

Our specialists help states, counties, municipalities, and metropolitan planning organizations run a range of transportation development scenarios to help them plan for effective and responsible land use over the long term. Using CommunityVIZ software, our team develops various planning models so our clients can measure the potential impacts of current policies and make critical data-driven decisions when adjustments are needed.

Travel Demand Modeling

Using software platforms such as TransCAD and Cube, our team can model a community’s current mobility patterns and travel demands and predict how they will change with future growth. We help government agencies and developers optimize their transportation networks by analyzing the average numbers of trips per person, which routes they will take, where jobs and housing will be located, and multitude other factors.

Urban Centers

Inner cities have formidable traffic challenges. We have the experience to help solve them. Our traffic engineers can plan all aspects of transportation networks in dense urban centers. We are focused not only on meeting user needs, but creating an easy, efficient, and beautiful travel experience. That means creating plans that accommodate vehicles, but also designing activity hubs that encourage walking, public transit use, and human interaction.