Floodplain Management

image by ryan duffy floodplain management

Plain Smart

As urbanization expands, building in the natural path of water is inevitable. We help our clients mitigate the risks through intelligent floodplain management strategies. For decades we’ve collaborated with public and private clients to help them develop their communities in harmony with nature. Our hydrologic and hydraulic experts utilize advanced modeling and mapping tools to identify risks, guide new construction, and protect property and lives.

Floodplain Studies

We conduct detailed data-driven studies to help clients comply with the stringent regulations governing construction and development within floodplains. Our hydrologic and hydraulic modeling tools factor in FEMA guidelines and other regulatory requirements, allowing communities to develop flood mitigation plans and identify and alter project elements up front that may adversely impact flood levels.

Flood Control Works

Our water resources team includes specialists in the design of flood control works to help clients reduce risks and build for better public safety and environmental responsibility. We engineer plans and specifications for detention and retention structures, flood proof structures, storm water pumping facilities, water diversion structures, and many others.

Flood Warning Systems

Our team helps governments and private organizations provide the public with flood information and alerts in real time. We gather live rainfall data during storms, allowing us to produce accurate estimates of water levels in streams and water crossings, so appropriate flood warnings can be disseminated quickly.

Dam Safety

Water capture using dams is an age-old proven water supply method, and because of that many of the dams are old and in need of inspection and maintenance. Walter P Moore combines its intensive expertise in civil, structural, and water resources engineering to help clients evaluate and enhance the integrity of their dams for operational and regulatory purposes. Our guidance helps public and private owners and operators meet the latest regulatory requirements and bring assurance to the public that land, property, and people near their dams are protected.

Forensic Analysis

Municipalities and other organizations often call in our engineers after a flooding event to run a variety of analyses. Our investigations seek out the root causes of flooding, assess the damages, determine needed repairs, and can be used to resolve conflicts. These studies also can provide insights for both short and long-term solutions to prevent future flooding and protect structures and citizens.