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BLVD Place

Uptown’s largest, smartest mixed-use development

Project Facts

Location Houston, Texas
Owner Wulfe & Co.
Size 725,000 SF
Status Opened 2009


Located in the heart of Uptown Houston, BLVD Place is the ultimate urban experience. Modeled after analyzing use patterns and safety data, a tailored parking system wards off the typical challenges that accompany vertical growth.

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About the project

The mixed-use nature of this upscale development created a complex parking situation, and Walter P Moore delivered a smart solution after analyzing the data from every angle. Office and general retail users were assigned to the above-ground garage while the heavy parking demand created by the grocery store is accommodated on the lower levels. The lower-level parking is accessible via escalators and elevators that are designed to accommodate grocery shopping carts. The upper parking levels also have direct walk-in access to the retail floors.

The owner wanted the main parking levels accessible from two streets to maximize access and to ensure adequate exit throughout the busy location. To ensure that all of the retailers had adequate parking while providing a cost-effective solution, Walter P Moore did an extensive shared-use parking study. Each retailer was studied to identify peak hour demands for weekdays and weekends, and various correcting factors were applied to compensate for modal splits and shared trip patterns.

As the civil and traffic engineer, Walter P Moore master planned the roadway alignments, storm and sanitary sewer, and water supply. Work included a study of a variety of median opening configurations to Post Oak Boulevard, collaboration with METRO for future rail station locations, review of on-site circulation and access management, and performance of a traffic study. For landscape and street cut requirements, we coordinated with Uptown Houston District to successfully work within their special landscape regulations. We also provided flood protection design for the garage and the main loading dock.