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Part of Sylvan Avenue with planted median and two lanes on each side of the street.

Sylvan Avenue Improvements

Public Works

0037 12 031 TCH P Women

Texas Children’s Hospital Pavilion for Women


The corner of a four-way stop street corner of Bagby showing a clean urban district with a multi-use building, ample parking, pedestrian walkways and young trees.

Bagby Streetscape and Paving Improvements


Exterior landscaping

Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building


A lake with a pedestrian bridge in front of several buildings in the Springwoods Village community in Spring, Texas.

Springwoods Village Master Plan and Community Development

Mixed Use & Retail

Walter p moore midtown park 17oct2017 8

Midtown Superblock Park and Garage


WPM BLVD20 Place20 Garage2021 April2015 36

BLVD Place

Mixed Use & Retail

Outside of the University of Houston's East Garage.

University of Houston East Garage


331739600 N19 large

Daikin Park


Univtexas mdanderson zayedctrcancercare pp1006 lg

MD Anderson Zayed Building for Personalized Cancer Care


UTMDACC20 Braeswood20 Garage 4

Braeswood Garage


British Petroleum’s energy trading facility called Helios Plaza

Helios Plaza


Map of the University of Houston campus with marked parking garages.

University of Houston Transportation Management Plan


A diverse group of people look over a map of their community. A man in an orange button-down shirt appears addresses the group, while a man in a white polo shirt reaches for a collection of markers sitting on the table where the map is laid out.

H-GAC Pedestrian and Bicycle Study


An aerial view of downtown El Paso, showing the traffic and densely populated city along the US-Mexican border.

Border Highway West Loop 375 Toll Road Bridges


The modern roundabout on Energy Drive helps control traffic flow.

Energy Drive at Springwoods Village

Public Works

21 Bestdfw 004

DFW Terminal D Garage


A featured view of the Smart Financial Centre shows the entire facility.

Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land

Cultural Facilities

330804000 N26 large

BHP Billiton Tower


A wide-angle lens captures the entire Branson Landing.

Branson Landing


Bridge 65.94 is part of the Indian Nation Turnpike.

Indian Nation Turnpike Bridge No. 65.94 Rehabilitation


A light-colored brick building with a tall extension on the left side with a flat roof, and a main section that has a standard peak top roof. The facility is enclosed with mesh fencing and security lights, situated on a neatly-manicured lawn.

Fort Cavazos Unmanned Aerial Systems Maintenance Hangar
